June 13, 2004

Blogroll Addition

I don't normally announce additions to my blogroll. What I usually do is realize that I've become a regular reader of someone's site and just slip them on in. But I'm going to make an exception today.

I have found a blog that has apparantly been around for some time, but clearly deserves a wider readership. "Instapundit" is the creation of one Glen Rawlings, a student at the University of Tennessee. It is a terriffic collection of links and often-terse commentary (such as "Ha" and "Correct, sir!").

Head on over and give young Glen a visit. You'll be glad you did.

Posted by Mr Green at June 13, 2004 09:59 AM

Shameless instalanche blegging. Shameless.

Posted by: SpaceMonkey at June 13, 2004 04:21 PM


[Blink. Blink.]

What's that?

Posted by: Mr. Green at June 13, 2004 07:58 PM

I had always thought it was "Instapudding". Imagine my disappointment.

Posted by: LeeAnn aka Cheesemistress at June 14, 2004 07:05 PM

What a find. How do you dig these obscure blogs up?

Posted by: Simon at June 15, 2004 04:49 AM